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Andy DVarga

Needed Prayer and Praise Report

Our Pastor's family in Gualel

To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth

Greetings from the DVarga family!!! First, I wanted to let you all know that we've been trying to re-work our email and snail-mail system. We've known for a while that people were not getting our emails, that things were going into spam filters, etc. Lots of complaints! Out of all our friends, only 1/3 have been getting our letters. So, we're trying out a new system and hopefully it will be getting into all your inboxes from now on! Also, we plan on sending snail mail to people whose emails have bounced over the last few years, so if you are getting both and only want email please let us know! Shoot us an email and tell us if it worked!! We are starting to get re-accustomed to being back in Ecuador and busy with the work that we are here to do! As I sit here and think about Thanksgiving coming, I can think of so much to be thankful for. We are so thankful for the time we were able to spend with friends and family this year, for the health everyone in our family has, for the opportunity to reach the un-reached for

Christ, and so much more! I pray we each can stop and thank God for all the wonderful blessings we each have. We just received the election results and were very surprised by the outcomes. I pray we can all stop worrying about the world governments for a while and start focusing on the kingdom that will endure forever! I know we all need prayer after that election cycle! We are still living in a friend’s house (and out of suitcases) until we are able to find a place. There are just not very many rental properties here nor the organization/systems in place to locate the ones that do exist. We are praying for a miracle because we have to be out of this house by late December or very early January! Please pray with us, as we believe God to provide the perfect place to call home.

There is a little 15-year-old girl named Mariana in the town we want to move to (named San Pedro [Saint Peter]). There are VERY few rentals and those that want to rent are told by the priest to never to rent to “evangelicals or anyone that is not Catholic.” Mariana lives in a poor family with 10 siblings. She has elephantiasis and her leg is very swollen and hurts her everyday. This was most likely caused by a simple mosquito-born parasite. This family lives under a very Catholic culture and have fear to walk away from worship of Mary and trust in the priest to guide in all things spiritual. They have (for now) allowed us to enter into their home and teach them the Bible. Please pray we can be a witness, pray God heals her, and mostly pray God saves her and her family!!!

As many of you know, I was very anxious to get back here and get to work preaching the gospel. A couple of weeks ago I was leaving the church prayer meeting and thought…..”I need to go preach in the park.” Honestly, my first thought was; “I have worked all day, its 9:30 at night; I’m tired.” Also, no one wanted to go with me (and normally I would have been at least a little discouraged), but I brushed it off as a great opportunity to just be obedient and see God’s hand move. I had an unusual expectation and joy! I prayed the whole way walking there from church…”God, give me a message, a scripture, a power that will help someone.” I believe He did! I preached a simple and short message about the religious leaders encouraging the people to cry “crucify Him, crucify Him” at the end of the book of John. Almost everyone here is religious, but few have faith in Jesus alone for salvation. The emphasis of the message was “religion won’t save you from hell, ONLY true relationship with Jesus can do that.” At the end I walked around to talk to those listening. A man told me he was running from God his whole life, that his wife (who he was currently separated from) was a strong Christian and always prayed for him, but that he had rejected Christ until now. He told me he had never cried out to God for forgiveness, but wanted to now! It was truly beautiful! His name is Antonio (Anthony). Please pray for him to grow and desire fellowship. Please pray for me to be bolder, outgoing, and busy doing what God wants! God bless from, Andy, Priscilla, Jude, Samuel, & Elena


- Please send all monetary contributions to (our address has not changed): Acts 1:8 Mission Society 123 Burk Ln. Harrison, OH 45030.

Or head over to the DONATIONS tab on the website And make all checks payable to: “Acts 1:8 Mission Society” with “DVarga” in the memo section (All funds donated in this way will continue to go entirely to the DVarga family AND our mission work in Ecuador and are tax-deductible). You may also earmark the checks with "car for DVargas", "babysitter for DVargas", or something similar in the memo if that is specifically what you want the donation to go to. If you need a quarterly tax statement or just want to contact us, please just write to the address above or call. Our phone #: (513) 334-8281

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