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Andy DVarga

Turn it Upside Down

Feliz Año Nuevo (Happy New Year) everyone!

We first want to tell everyone thank you for loving on us another year and helping make what we do possible! We feel the love of God every time we receive a note saying someone is praying for us, when we have enough to pay a bill, and every time we see someone receive the gospel; we know God is using all of us together to do His will and that brings enormous joy. We pray that each of you will be used of God right where you are this year to win souls and to be a light in this dark world.

I (Andy) had a lot of opportunities this last year to go places I had never been and to preach to a lot of people that would never have had the chance to hear the gospel had God not sent me here to the southern most province of Ecuador. Although San Pedro (where we live) has proven to be a very difficult place to share the gospel, God has sent me to a lot of other places to preach and share one on one, and many have seemed to accept the message of Christ coming to save us without reservation. It appears to be a common thing that God puts His people in places that are difficult and often downright impossible without Him so that we will learn to depend WHOLEHEARTEDLY on HIM! II Corinthians 12:9-10 says “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.” So “let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (Galatians 6:9).” Please pray God would help us not get discouraged and that He would give us boldness and power to reach the lost around us and especially for those in San Pedro!

At the Prison "yard" preaching at the weekly meeting. (In the green shirt)

This was an interesting week at the prison. The director of the prison that I work in every week in the big city of Loja (about 1 ½ hrs. from San Pedro) was fired and a new director (named Lenin) was hired. Of course many changes have taken place and one of them being that I have to re-file for permission to go in, so I am supposed to be temporarily suspended from entering the prison. I tried anyway and they let me in. Then I ended up in the new director’s office for about an hour talking about my experiences in prisons/jails and my experiences with drug abuse. Many of you may not know, but I was a drug addict for about 10 years (from ages 14 to 24) and then worked as a drug counselor for many years in a jail environment. Lenin (the new director for a total of 3 days) started opening up to me about his beliefs as an atheist, but seemed very open to listen to me share why I believe the Bible is the word of God. As you might expect, the director has a LOT of influence on what does and doesn’t happen in the prison, so please pray that I continue to find favor with him and that not only Lenin gets saved, but many of the prisoners as a result. Lenin is considering letting me start a new class on drug addiction in the prison and of course it will be based on Biblical teaching. Please keep these men and this great opportunity in your prayers!

As I reflect on the many people I met in 2017, Mary, Lupe, Rommel, Luis, many random taxi drivers, and countless others I am amazed at God’s providence in putting me at a certain time and in a certain place. I have learned a LOT this year, but I have really seen how simple decisions to GO, how doing without certain worldly treasures in order to be able to do what I am called to do, and how listening to God’s voice puts us in incredible situations to be part of God’s amazing master plan. When you think of King David, Ester, and so many others in Biblical times you see how being in the right place at the right time is the only reason why we know who they are today. God wants to use all of us and I am dying to be used in a way that turns San Pedro and the surrounding area upside down (as He said in Acts 17:6) for Christ! Read this account and many like it in Acts and see what it cost them. I don’t want to be one of those that hold back because of the cost, but I am tempted just like anyone else. Please pray the Lord would give us wisdom, strength, and a willingness to do whatever He calls us to do and to go wherever He wants us.

Sharing the gospel with people who came asking for prayer from Andy, in El Cisne.

PS: As many of you know we are planning to come home in the spring (from March 10th till July 17th) and we still lack a reliable car that we hope someone can help us with. We need a car big enough for all 5 of us, plus luggage, that is decent on gas for our time in the U.S.A. and we realize it is a BIG favor that many can’t help with, but if you can, please contact us through any of the methods below or pray that someone will.

**Also, if you want us to come and visit your church or small group and HAVE permission from the leader/pastor please contact us and schedule with us as soon as possible.

Lots of love from all of us in Ecuador! We cannot wait to see you!

-Andy, Priscilla, Jude, Sam, Elena

- Please send all monetary contributions to: Acts 1:8 Mission Society 123 Burk Ln. Harrison, OH 45030. And make all checks payable to: “Acts 1:8 Mission Society” with“DVarga” in the memo section (All funds donated in this way will continue to go entirely to the DVarga family AND our mission work in Ecuador and are tax-deductible). If you need a quarterly tax statement or just want to contact us, please just write to the address above or call. Our phone #:(513) 334-8281

To donate through PayPal electronically please scroll to the top of the page and click the "Donate" tab.

Phone: Magicjack#: 513-334-8281 Our local Cincinnati phone number that we are able to receive in Ecuador. It works through the Internet and is just like calling any Cincinnati phone number.

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