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Andy DVarga

Fighting the Good Fight

Happy Holidays to all! As we are now well into the holiday season, we pray you all are doing well and are so thankful for each of you! Reflecting on just 4 months shy of 8 years of ministry here in Ecuador.. it has not been easy. This letter is going to be a bit different. It is impossible to communicate all the dynamics of ministry as a foreigner in a strange land, the loneliness, the disappointments, the struggles with decision making, raising kids in a different culture, not even to mention the pressures running the logistical side of things for Acts 1:8 Mission Society. Many missionaries feel a lot of pressures to perform and write about all the great things they are doing and accomplishing to those that support them financially. They genuinely want to make their supporters/fellow Christians feel they have invested well, and we are no different. Writing a letter once every month or two can be encouraging one month and a little depressing the next. Reading stories about missionaries in decades past that worked for years and years without 1 convert until one day God started moving in the hearts of the people is a blessing…but then the hard days come and thus another battle of faith! Reading Jeremiah’s story in the Bible is another animal altogether and prepares us for the long haul of focusing on doing what God called us to, and NOT the results WE want to see. With different specifics, it is that way for all of us for sure, but without a healthy body of believers around to go through it with makes it… I don’t know how to say it other than, painful and extremely difficult.

I really don’t mean to sound depressing, but we may be in the hardest situation yet as far as the labor of trying to win souls and discipling them goes. It really isn’t hard to get out and preach or to stay busy in the ministry, but seeing a church grow from nothing here where we live is a different story. We live in a place about like the Muslim countries in terms of resistance to the gospel, but less violent, thank God. I believe I have seen several to many souls saved and helped during our time in this part of Ecuador. Unfortunately, however, as far as San Pedro where we live, I don’t think even one soul has experienced the new birth in Christ. I know many would tell me to keep that quiet and to not talk about it, but as many of you that know me are aware, I like to keep it real and be transparent. We desperately need prayer, people fasting, and seeking God with us as we long to see a revival/outpouring of God’s grace on this little town. We desperately need wisdom AND help from others that have God given talents we don’t have. I am one that believes God works by bringing us to the end of ourselves (often by wearing us out physically) that through our weaknesses He is glorified (II Corinthians 12:9-10). I believe He hates us depending on our own wisdom, talents, and carnal strength to do His work.

I could easily have written another letter telling everyone of the little victories, of the good times we had with the team that came down to spend a week with us last month (and blessed us tremendously), of the nearly completed garage/living space for us (for which we are deeply thankful), and such, but I wanted to really share my heart with you all this month. It has been a little difficult lately and we just need a lot of earnest prayers from God’s people.

Honestly, we need (at least if feels like it) help… and soon. We need God to show up and work on our behalf in a VERY REAL WAY. I have seen it before and know that ONLY HE can do what needs to be done! Thanks to all of you who have loved us, stood beside us, and prayed for us for years now. I’m sorry we can’t show you what it has all meant to us, but God will show you sooner or later and it will be amazing for us all!

In Christ,

Andy, Priscilla, and Kids

Note this is a NEW ADDRESS!!!

Please send all monetary contributions to: Acts 1:8 Mission Society PO Box 212. Harrison, OH 45030. You can continue to make all checks payable to: “Acts 1:8 Mission Society” with“DVarga” in the memo section (All funds donated in this way will continue to go entirely to the DVarga family AND our mission work in Ecuador and are tax-deductible). You can also write checks to Priscilla or Andy DVarga with "gift" in the memo section, but you will NOT receive a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the year for funds given this way. If you need a quarterly tax statement or just want to contact us, please just write to the address above or call. Our phone #:(513) 334-8281

To donate through PayPal electronically please scroll to the top of the page and click the "Donate" tab. Phone: Magicjack#: 513-334-8281 Our local Cincinnati phone number that we are able to receive in Ecuador. It works through the Internet and is just like calling any Cincinnati phone number.

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