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Andy DVarga

December Prayer and Praise Update

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

Hello friends,

Happy holidays to all! We are finally catching our breath from moving in a new house and having visitors from the U.S.A. (more on that later)! It is hard to explain what all of you mean to us and how thankful we are to each one that has sown into the ministry here in Ecuador. As I sit here and reflect on our nearly 9 years here, all the hardships, all the victories, the souls I’ve seen delivered from lives of sin, our children being born here, etc., I am amazed at how God has always sent people to help us, encourage us, or give us advice at the perfect times in which we had a need. Many of you reading this are one of those people and I hope you know how thankful we are and how meaningful your kindness has been! Thanks to each of you who have prayed, given, called, written, and encouraged us along the way.

Left to Right: Andy and Luis with Malisa and her mom, A group of people who came forward in Gualel, Preaching in Catacocha

As many of you know some visitors came down on October 15 and stayed until November 8th. It was a very precious time for us as we don’t get many visitors and especially from some of our best friends (Steve and Dawn Heinen and their daughter Madi)! They have been feeling called to come down and serve beside us full time, but wanted to visit one more time and search God’s heart (and their own) before making such a huge commitment. Steve and I (Andy) preached all over the province together and saw people hungry for God (see above pics). In one specific town a young lady (I think she told me she was 23) came forward at the end of our street meeting and said she wanted to know more about how to be saved. She was pregnant with her second child and from what I could gather the father had walked away from his responsibilities. She was broken and scared for sure. I sat down and began to show her scriptures on the need to be born again and made into a new creature. She then said that she wanted to pray and receive Christ as her Lord and Savior. As we prayed I knew God had us in the right place at the right time! Please pray for Malisa! As you can imagine our kids had a blast with another kid their age hanging around and Priscilla loved having another woman around to fellowship with. It all went by a little too fast, but the Heinens feel as if God is leading them here to labor beside us full time. Their plan is to be in Ecuador in about a year from now, so please keep them in your prayers as they prepare to do the hard task of selling everything and say goodbye to all they have ever known!

At the end of July, 2019 we sent out a prayer letter asking for prayer for fellow workers and specifically about a letter I was writing to the Brooklyn Tabernacle/Jim Cymbala for help in connecting us with potential missionary candidates. Jim Cymbala’s (Senior Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle) ministry has had a huge impact on me and thus this was a big step of faith for me. I knew it was not likely (humanly speaking) that he would return my email, but I got the idea while in prayer and felt strongly that God wanted me to write him. I am super thankful to all you who earnestly prayed about it and thrilled to let you know that he did respond personally and invited Priscilla and I to visit New York on our next trip to the U.S.A. to spend some time with him and his wife. Who knows where this will lead, but please keep praying for God’s will to be done! We feel desperate for God to send more laborers here to preach the gospel in the province of Loja and to reach out to the thousands that don’t even have a church in their hometowns!

Thanks so much for praying and supporting us over this last year and please feel free to contact us with any questions about the ministry here in Ecuador. I also wanted to let all you who have signed up for the Kroger rewards program and Amazonsmile giving programs that it has been paying off! Thanks so much and if you want to join the effort, just read below or contact us!

With lots of love from Ecuador,

Andy, Priscilla, and kids!


You can give through Kroger Community Rewards by registering your Kroger Plus Card online through their Community Rewards program. This works just like AmazonSmile, Kroger will give a small percentage to Acts 1:8 Mission Society for every purchase made, all you have to do is shop like normal! Use Acts 1:8 Mission Society's Code - GJ195 - and click "Enroll." For more information go to

To sign up with AmazonSmile, just sign in to using your normal Amazon log-in information. When asked which non-profit to choose, type in Acts 1:8 Mission Society, and choose the one located in Cleves, OH. AmazonSmile gives 0.5% of your purchase to the mission, at no additional cost to you!

We've found both of these are really cool ways to support the mission while doing things we already do!


Please send all monetary contributions to:

Acts 1:8 Mission Society

PO Box 212.

Harrison, OH 45030.

You can continue to make all checks payable to: “Acts 1:8 Mission Society” with “DVarga” in the memo section (All funds donated in this way will continue to go entirely to the DVarga family AND our mission work in Ecuador and are tax-deductible).

You can also write checks to Priscilla or Andy DVarga with "gift" in the memo section, but you will NOT receive a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the year for funds given this way. If you need a quarterly tax statement or just want to contact us, please just write to the address above or call

our phone #:(513) 334-8281

To donate through PayPal electronically please scroll to the top of the page and click the "Donate" tab.

Phone: Magicjack#: 513-334-8281 Our local Cincinnati phone number that we are able to receive in Ecuador. It works through the Internet and is just like calling any Cincinnati phone number.

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